Son of a Tailor
Brand platform & messaging
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Son of a Tailor er grundlagt på en vision om at gøre det bedre. Tøjindustrien står for 10 % af verdens CO2 udledning. SON opfylder udelukkende de reelle forbrugerbehov, samtidig med at man producerer mere miljøvenligt. Ved at opretholde høje standarder, udvikle ny teknologi og holde deres løfter, ændrer SON industrien og mindsker forbruget.
Son of a Tailor er certificeret B Corp, og har bevist overfor 160.000 kunder, at man kan forbruge kvalitet på en mere ansvarlig måde, hvor der bruges markant færre ressourcer.
Tøjet produceres kun, når det bestilles, hvilket reducerer spild og overproduktion. Det er skabt med en algoritme, der sikrer den perfekte pasform for hver enkelt af SONs kunder. Endelig er det lavet af bæredygtige kvalitetsmaterialer, der holder.
Verden har brug for ting, vi kan regne med. Og der er præcis hvad SON tilbyder: Made to order, made to fit og made to last.
18. september 2023
You can’t count on anything.
Your relationship lasts an average of 1.5 years, prices soar beyond comprehension, and even your beloved dog will trade loyalty for a sausage. Trust is a rare commodity. The list goes on, and the truth is that almost everything comes with an expiration date.
That’s why the world needs stuff that lasts.
So we’ve made a T-shirt that does. It’s made to order. Made to fit. And made to last. It’s a T-shirt on a mission.
If you don’t need it, we don’t make it. If you do, it will be one of the few things in life that you can actually count on.
That won’t happen. This will:
The wold needs stuff that lasts,
SON tagline, explained.
Made to order.
We're on a mission to reengineer the clothing industry. Why? Because it overuses and overproduces, which means a lot of wasted resources, and a lot of clothes that don't fit and aren't worn.
That's why your garment is custom fit and made to order. If you don't need it, we don't make it. If you do, we make sure it fits right and will serve you well for years to come.
Made to fit.
We want your clothes to fit perfectly. When they fit, you wear them. When you wear them often, they become favorites.
With our Perfect Fit Algorithm, you create your custom size in 30 seconds flat. If your garment isn't a perfect fit, don't worry. Our Free Remake Guarantee has you covered, and we'll make a new one that is.
Made to last.
The world needs stuff that lasts. So, we make clothing that does. Your order is made from the finest materials in Italy and Portugal.
The SON fit, quality, and service is rated among the best in the industry. That's one of the few things in life that you can actually count on.